我们将以CIE考试局为例,通过深扒IG和A-level大纲的Content overview部分,看看覆盖的知识点数量,来给大家进行一个直观的对比。
三年A-level A*率百分比 |
2021年6月 |
2022年6月 |
2023年6月 |
23.4 |
19.5 |
17.1 |
A Level数学包括基础数学(Mathematics)和进阶数学(Further Mathematics)。两者之间关系是程连续性的,基础数学可以说是一门必考科目,很多能力强的学生还会添加进阶数学为自己增加优势,那么要学的知识点数量和难度都是翻倍增加的。
☛ Number
☛ Algebra and graphs
☛ Coordinate geometry
Shape and space:
☛ Geometry
☛ Mensuration
☛ Trigonometry
☛ Vectors and transformations
Probability and statistics
☛ Probability
☛ Statistics
1 Pure Mathematics 1 Paper 1:
☛ 1.1 Quadratics
☛ 1.2 Functions
☛ 1.3 Coordinate geometry
☛ 1.4 Circular measure
☛ 1.5 Trigonometry
☛ 1.6 Series
☛ 1.7 Differentiation
☛ 1.8 Integration
2 Pure Mathematics 2 Paper 2:
☛ 2.1 Algebra
☛ 2.2 Logarithmic and exponential functions
☛ 2.3 Trigonometry
☛ 2.4 Differentiation
☛ 2.5 Integration
☛ 2.6 Numerical solution of equations
3 Pure Mathematics 3 Paper 3:
☛ 3.1 Algebra
☛ 3.2 Logarithmic and exponential functions
☛ 3.3 Trigonometry
☛ 3.4 Differentiation
☛ 3.5 Integration
☛ 3.6 Numerical solution of equations
☛ 3.7 Vectors
☛ 3.8 Differential equations
☛ 3.9 Complex numbers
4 Mechanics Paper 4:
☛ 4.1 Forces and equilibrium
☛ 4.2 Kinematics of motion in a straight line
☛ 4.3 Momentum
☛ 4.4 Newton’s laws of motion
☛ 4.5 Energy, work and power
5 Probability & Statistics 1 Paper 5:
☛ 5.1 Representation of data
☛ 5.2 Permutations and combinations
☛ 5.3 Probability
☛ 5.4 Discrete random variables
☛ 5.5 The normal distribution
Probability & Statistics 2 Paper 6:
☛ 6.1 The Poisson distribution
☛ 6.2 Linear combinations of random variables
☛ 6.3 Continuous random variables
☛ 6.4 Sampling and estimation
☛ 6.5 Hypothesis tests
CIE aleve数学六份卷子,总的来说,AS Level 考生需要从中挑选两份paper进行考试. 而A Level考生一共需要考出4份paper的成绩. 考生可以分两年考完4张paper,或者在A Level这一年一次考完4张paper。
Further Pure Mathematics 1 Paper 1:
☛ 1.1 Roots of polynomial equations
☛ 1.2 Rational functions and graphs
☛ 1.3 Summation of series
☛ 1.4 Matrices
☛ 1.5 Polar coordinates
☛ 1.6 Vectors
☛ 1.7 Proof by induction
2 Further Pure Mathematics 2 Paper 2:
☛ 2.1 Hyperbolic functions
☛ 2.2 Matrices
☛ 2.3 Differentiation
☛ 2.4 Integration
☛ 2.5 Complex numbers
☛ 2.6 Differential equations
3 Further Mechanics Paper 3:
☛ 3.1 Motion of a projectile
☛ 3.2 Equilibrium of a rigid body
☛ 3.3 Circular motion
☛ 3.4 Hooke’s law
☛ 3.5 Linear motion under a variable force
☛ 3.6 Momentum
4 Further Probability &Statistics Paper 4:
☛ 4.1 Continuous random variables
☛ 4.2 Inference using normal and t-distributions
☛ 4.3 2 | -tests
☛ 4.4 Non-parametric tests
☛ 4.5 Probability generating functions
三年A-level A*率百分比 |
2021年6月 |
2022年6月 |
2023年6月 |
26.7 |
21.1 |
11.6 |
☛ 1 Motion, forces and energy
☛ 2 Thermal physics
☛ 3 Waves
☛ 4 Electricity and magnetism
☛ 5 Nuclear physics
☛ 6 Space physics
☛ 1 Physical quantities and units
☛ 2 Kinematics
☛ 3 Dynamics
☛ 4 Forces, density and pressure
☛ 5 Work, energy and power
☛ 6 Deformation of solids
☛ 7 Waves
☛ 8 Superposition
☛ 9 Electricity
☛ 10 D.C. circuits
☛ 11 Particle physics
☛ AS Level candidates also study practical skills.
☛ 12 Motion in a circle
☛ 13 Gravitational fields
☛ 14 Temperature
☛ 15 Ideal gases
☛ 16 Thermodynamics
☛ 7 Oscillations
☛ 18 Electric fields
☛ 19 Capacitance
☛ 20 Magnetic fields
☛ 21 Alternating currents
☛ 22 Quantum physics
☛ 23 Nuclear physics
☛ 24 Medical physics
☛ 25 Astronomy and cosmology
☛ A level candidates also study practical skills
三年A-level A*率百分比 |
2021年6月 |
2022年6月 |
2023年6月 |
28.4 |
23.0 |
17.2 |
☛ 1 States of matter
☛ 2 Atoms, elements and compounds
☛ 3 Stoichiometry
☛ 4 Electrochemistry
☛ 5 Chemical energetics
☛ 6 Chemical reactions
☛ 7 Acids, bases and salts
☛ 8 The Periodic Table
☛ 9 Metals
☛ 10 Chemistry of the environment
☛ 11 Organic chemistry
☛ 12 Experimental techniques and chemical analysis
Physical chemistry
☛ 1 Atomic structure
☛ 2 Atoms, molecules and stoichiometry
☛ 3 Chemical bonding
☛ 4 States of matter
☛ 5 Chemical energetics
☛ 6 Electrochemistry
☛ 7 Equilibria
☛ 8 Reaction kinetics
Inorganic chemistry
☛ 9 The Periodic Table: chemical periodicity
☛ 10 Group 2
☛ 11 Group 17
☛ 12 Nitrogen and sulfur
Organic chemistry
☛ 13 An introduction to AS Level organic chemistry
☛ 14 Hydrocarbons
☛ 15 Halogen compounds
☛ 16 Hydroxy compounds
☛ 17 Carbonyl compounds
☛ 18 Carboxylic acids and derivatives
☛ 19 Nitrogen compounds
☛ 20 Polymerisation
☛ 21 Organic synthesis
☛ 22 Analytical techniques
☛ AS Level candidates also study practical skills.
Physical chemistry
☛ 23 Chemical energetics
☛ 24 Electrochemistry
☛ 25 Equilibria
☛ 26 Reaction kinetics
Inorganic chemistry
☛ 27 Group 2
☛ 8 Chemistry of transition elements
Organic chemistry
☛ 29 An introduction to A Level organic chemistry
☛ 30 Hydrocarbons
☛ 31 Halogen compounds
☛ 32 Hydroxy compounds
☛ 33 Carboxylic acids and derivatives
☛ 34 Nitrogen compounds
☛ 35 Polymerisation
☛ 36 Organic synthesis
☛ 37 Analytical techniques
☛ A Level candidates also study practical skills.
三年A-level A*率百分比 |
2021年6月 |
2022年6月 |
2023年6月 |
29.9 |
17.1 |
14.3 |
☛ 1 Characteristics and classification of living organisms
☛ 2 Organisation of the organism
☛ 3 Movement into and out of cells
☛ 4 Biological molecules
☛ 5 Enzymes
☛ 6 Plant nutrition
☛ 7 Human nutrition
☛ 8 Transport in plants
☛ 9 Transport in animals
☛ 10 Diseases and immunity
☛ 11 Gas exchange in humans
☛ 12 Respiration
☛ 13 Excretion in humans
☛ 14 Coordination and response
☛ 15 Drugs
☛ 16 Reproduction
☛ 17 Inheritance
☛ 18 Variation and selection
☛ 19 Organisms and their environment
☛ 20 Human influences on ecosystems
☛ 21 Biotechnology and genetic modification
☛ 1 Cell structure
☛ 2 Biological molecules
☛ 3 Enzymes
☛ 4 Cell membranes and transport
☛ 5 The mitotic cell cycle
☛ 6 Nucleic acids and protein synthesis
☛ 7 Transport in plants
☛ 8 Transport in mammals
☛ 9 Gas exchange
☛ 10 Infectious diseases
☛ 11 Immunity
☛ AS Level candidates also study practical skills.
☛ 12 Energy and respiration
☛ 13 Photosynthesis
☛ 14 Homeostasis
☛ 15 Control and coordination
☛ 16 Inheritance
☛ 17 Selection and evolution
☛ 18 Classification, biodiversity and conservation
☛ 19 Genetic technology
☛ A Level candidates also study practical skills
三年A-level A*率百分比 |
2021年6月 |
2022年6月 |
2023年6月 |
19.5 |
13.0 |
12.6 |
☛ 1 The basic economic problem
☛ 2 The allocation of resources
☛ 3 Microeconomic decision makers
☛ 4 Government and the macroeconomy
☛ 5 Economic development
☛ 6 International trade and globalisation
Basic economic ideas and resource allocation
☛ 1.1 Scarcity, choice and opportunity cost
☛ 1.2 Economic methodology
☛ 1.3 Factors of production
☛ 1.4 Resource allocation in different
economic systems
☛ 1.5 Production possibility curves
☛ 1.6 Classification of goods and services
The price system and the microeconomy
☛ 2.1 Demand and supply curves
☛ 2.2 Price elasticity, income elasticity and cross elasticity of demand
☛ 2.3 Price elasticity of supply
☛ 2.4 The interaction of demand and supply
☛ 2.5 Consumer and producer surplus
Government microeconomic intervention
☛ 3.1 Reasons for government intervention in markets
☛ 3.2 Methods and effects of government intervention in markets
☛ 3.3 Addressing income and wealth inequality
The macroeconomy
☛ 4.1 National income statistics
☛ 4.2 Introduction to the circular flow of income
☛ 4.3 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply analysis
☛ 4.4 Economic growth
☛ 4.5 Unemployment
☛ 4.6 Price stability
The price system and the microeconomy
☛ 7.1 Utility
☛ 7.2 Indifference curves and budget lines
☛ 7.3 Efficiency and market failure
☛ 7.4 Private costs and benefits, externalities and social costs and benefits
☛ 7.5 Types of cost, revenue and profit, short-run and long-run production
☛ 7.6 Different market structures
☛ 7.7 Growth and survival of firms
☛ 7.8 Differing objectives and policies of firms
Government microeconomic intervention
☛ 8.1 Government policies to achieve efficient resource allocation and correct market failure
☛ 8.2 Equity and redistribution of income and wealth
☛ 8.3 Labour market forces and government intervention
The macroeconomy
☛ 9.1 The circular flow of income
☛ 9.2 Economic growth and sustainability
☛ 9.3 Employment/unemployment
☛ 9.4 Money and banking