Unit 1:Introduction to economics 经济学概述
1.1 What is economics? 什么是经济学?
1.2 How do economists approach the world? 经济学家如何看待世界?
Unit 2:Microeconomics 微观经济学
2.1 Demand (includes HL only sub-topics) 需求
2.2 Supply (includes HL only sub-topics) 供给
2.3 Competitive market equilibrium 市场均衡
2.4 Critique of the maximizing behaviour of consumers and producers 对消费者和生产者行为最大化批判
2.5 Elasticity of demand (includes HL only sub-topics) 需求弹性
2.6 Elasticity of supply (includes HL only sub-topics) 供给弹性
2.7 Role of government in microeconomics (includes HL only calculation) 政府在微观经济学中的作用
2.8 Market failure—externalities and common pool or common access resources (includes HL only calculation) 市场失灵——外部性和共同资源池或共同存取资源
2.9 Market failure—public goods 市场失灵
2.10 Market failure—asymmetric information (HL only) 市场失灵——非对称信息
2.11 Market failure—market power (HL only) 市场失灵——市场势力
2.12 The market’s inability to achieve equity (HL only) 市场无法实现公平
Unit 3:Macroeconomics 宏观经济学
3.1 Measuring economic activity and illustrating its variations 衡量经济活动并说明其变化
3.2 Variations in economic activity—aggregate demand and aggregate supply 经济活动的变化——总需求和总供给
3.3 Macroeconomic objectives (includes HL only calculation) 宏观经济目标
3.4 Economics of inequality and poverty (includes HL only calculation) 经济不平等和贫困
3.5 Demand management (demand side policies)—monetary policy (includes HL only sub-topics) 需求管理(需求侧政策)——货币政策
3.6 Demand management—fiscal policy (includes HL only sub-topics) 需求管理——财政政策
3.7 Supply-side policies 供给管理政策
Unit 4:The global economy 全球经济
4.1 Benefits of international trade (includes HL only subtopics and calculation) 国际贸易的好处
4.2 Types of trade protection (includes HL only calculations) 贸易保护的种类
4.3 Arguments for and against trade control/protection 支持和反对贸易管制/保护的论点
4.4 Economic integration 经济一体化
4.5 Exchange rates (includes HL only sub-topic) 汇率
4.6 Balance of payments (includes HL only sub-topics) 国际收支平衡表
4.7 Sustainable development (includes HL only sub-topic) 可持续发展
4.8 Measuring development 经济发展指标
4.9Barriers to economic growth and/or economic development 经济增长和/或经济发展障碍
410Economic growth and/or economic development strategies经济增长和/或经济发展战略
