3月 SAT考试 已落下帷幕,昨天为大家带来了亚太地区SAT机考考情回顾,今天继续为大家更新3月北美SAT机考的最新考情!

1.In Oodham, an Indigenous language from the Southwest region of what is now the United States, gogs means "a dog", whereas gogogs is used to refer to several dogs. This phenomenon, in which an element of a root word is repeated, sometimes with modification, within another word that is related to the root word, is called reduplication. In this case, the element "go" in gogs gets repeated in gogogs. There are many examples of this type of reduplication in O'odham.
The text makes which point about the O'odham word gogogs?
A) It contains a repetition of the element "go" in gogs.
B) It doesn't have a clear equivalent in English.
C) It is the only word in O'odham that uses reduplication.
D) It is identical in meaning to several other words in O'odham.
参考答案 A
2.Researchers César A. Hidalgo, Elisa Castañer, and Andres Sevtsuk created a computer model to predict the mix of gyms, beauty salons, and other businesses found in a given neighborhood. How we define a neighborhood and its boundaries is subjective, so the team used a clustering algorithm to locate dense groupings of amenities that represent human- identified neighborhoods like Boston's Central Square. The predictive model, which incorporates this algorithm, is sure to be invaluable in determining the optimal mix of a city's amenities.
According to the text, why did the team employ a clustering algorithm?
A. The algorithm provided insight into how customers are made aware of new gyms and beauty salons.
B. The algorithm gave them an objective way to identify neighborhoods.
C. The algorithm could be used to evaluate the reasons for a business's closing.
D. The algorithm could predict which types of businesses would be successful in a given neighborhood.
参考答案 B
Command of evidence: textual 文本证据题
Some fuel additives contain cerium oxide nanoparticles (Ce02-NPs), which can leach into waterways and soils via wastewater. In a 2015 study, Maël Garaud and colleagues found that CeO2-NPs can accumulate in the bodies of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha). While bioaccumulation of manufactured nanoparticles may be inherently worrisome, it has been hypothesized that CeO2-NP bioaccumulation in invertebrate like D. polymorpha could serve a valuable proxy role, observing the need for manufacturers to conduct costly and intrusive sampling of vertebrate species- such as rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), commonly used in regulatory compliance testing for manipulative bioaccumulation, as environmental protection laws currently require.
Which finding, if true, would most directly weaken the hypothesis presented in the text?
A. When D.polymorpha and O. mykiss are exposed to similar levels of Ce0z-NPs, concentrations of CeO2-NPs in animals of both species show little variation from individual to individual.
B. The rate of CeO2-NP uptake in D. polymorpha differs from the rate of CeO2-NP uptake in O. mykiss in a way that is not yet well understood by researchers.
C. D. polymorphahas been shown to accumulate several other types of manufactured nanoparticles in addition to CeO2-NPs, whereas O. mykiss has been shown to accumulate only Ce02-NPs.
D. Compared with O. mykiss, D. polymorpha can accumulate detectable CeO2-NP concentrations with significantly fewer negative effects.
参考答案 B
In the early 19th, ships in the British Royal Navy were ranked based on military strength. The system considered the number of a ship's cannons and decks. “First rate” was the highest ranking, and “sixth-rate” was the lowest ranking, followed by unranked ships. This ranking determined the size of a ship’s crew: first-rate ships had between 850 and 875 crewmen, while lower- ranked ships had fewer. Two of the ships in the British Royal Navy from this period were the Dreadnought (98 cannons and three decks) and the Royal George (120 cannons and three decks). Of these two, only the Royal George was ranked a first-rate ship. It can therefore be concluded that __________________
Which choice most logically competes the text?
A) the Dreadnought had between 850 and 875 crewmen.
B) all ships with at least 98 cannons were ranked as first-rate ships.
C) the Royal George needed a crew larger than 875 people in order to operate efficiently.
D) not all ships with three decks were ranked as first-rate ships.
参考答案 D

但每位同学的题目分配细节会有不同,比如有加拿大地区的考生反馈“语法我的sentence boundaries, 好像只有3道题,感觉transition题比较多,并且transition有一道很难。”
平时准备充分以及基础比较扎实的同学普遍反馈说Module one比较容易,即使Module two进入到了hard模式也会比较有信心的去应对,更有同学会选择先完成文法的部分。整场考试完毕后,同学们也都会认为文法部分最有把握,全部的知识点均在课堂上被覆盖。
