2024年首场 SAT机考 已经圆满结束,老师结合参加考试的老师和考生提供了一线信息,并为大家整理了本次SAT机考的分析与回顾。

1.Some robots such as Surena (developed in 2008) and COMAN (developed in 2012) feature humanoid characteristics like bipedal locomotion so that people will find it easier to interact with them. While these features can help to __________ feelings of comfort in people, a robot that looks too like human can fall into the “uncanny valley,” meaning that its appearance unintentionally unsettles those who encounter it.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) engender
B) constrict
C) counterbalance
D) repudiate
参考答案 A
2.The Lascaux Cave paintings—detailed paintings of animals found in what is now France and dating from around 17,000 years ago—are sometimes said to be emotionally powerful despite their age, but in fact the paintings are _____________ precisely because of their age. It is the link of shared humanity with the artists across so many centuries that gives the Lascaux Cave paintings such resonance.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) ingenious
B) meticulous
C) pristine
D) affecting
参考答案 D
President Richard Nixon is most famous for his participation in the 1970s Watergate political scandal a convoluted tale of criminality and eroded ethics involving a constellation of associates such as White House Counsel Chuck Colson and White House Counsel John Dean. But Nixon’s legacy is complex: he has been praised for his role in creating the Environmental Protection Agency, and he once made an attempt at reforming United States health care policy that is arguably a precursor to the Affordable Care Act, which became law during the Barack Obaina administration.
Which choice best states the main idea of the text?
A) Chuck Colson and John Dean were significant figures in the presidency of Richard Nixon.
B) Richard Nixon is commonly linked with an infamous historical event, but this overshadows some of his notable achievements.
C) Some of Richard Nixon’s policies influenced the policies of later presidential administrations.
D) Richard Nixon’s reputation is primarily due to the actions of his associates.
参考答案 B
Michael G. Campana and colleagues relied on historical DNA (hDNA) genomic data incidentally preserved in specimens housed in natural history collections to investigate the evolutionary origins of a fungal pathogen affecting bats. Although this approach offers unique benefits, such as access to genomic data from extirpated populations, it remains a relatively underutilized resource because DNA is often to some extent degraded, a situation not easily remediable under current methodological paradigms and with extant DNA extraction and analysis technologies.
Information in the text best supports which statement about hDNA?
A. It may yield insights that other types of genomic data cannot.
B. It has thus far proved valuable mainly to researchers studying pathogens.
C. It may be underused because of its controversial status among scientists.
D. It tends to be much more degraded than other types of DNA of comparable age.
参考答案 A
Arthurian legends (tales related to the character of King Arthur) derive from many sources, such as Annaies Cambriae, composed around 970, and the Mabinogion from the 12th and 13th centuries. One of the most significant sources, Geoffrey of Monmouth’s History of the Kings of Britain, was written in Latin in the 1130s; some material from it was later adapted by the Norman poet Wace into the Roman de Brut in 1155. But while no source before 1155 includes references to the famous Round Table at which Arthur’s knights assembled, both the Roman de Brut and Sir Thomas Malory’s 15th-century compilation of Arthurian legends, Le Morte d’Arthur, do. It can therefore be inferred that ___________________
Which choice most logically completes the text?
A. Malory did not use Annales Cambriae as a source for information [when] he presented about the Round Table.
B. Geoffrey of Monmouth’s accounts of Arthurian legends in his History are more similar overall in content to the accounts in the Mabinogion than they are to the accounts in Roman de Brut.
C. Geoffrey of Monmouth was unaware of stories of the Round Table when composing his History, though historians know that works containing such stories were available to him.
D. Le More d’Arthur is more historically accurate than History, because the Mabinogion had not been written when Geoffrey of Monmouth was writing his work.
precursor,detractor,biased,dogmatic,interdependent,benevolent,genuine,inconsequential, neutral.

值得一提的还有,不论是conventions of Standard English还是Expression of ideas的部分都出现了去年的原题,这又一次证明了SAT机考题库题目数量依旧有限。

Module 1难度适中,和官方试题的难度相持平,但是增加了针对用一元二次函数的考察灵活度。Module 2后面的几道题目略有难度,计算起来较为吃力,能够将同学们的分数拉开差距。尤其是其中几道题干篇幅较长,要求考生准确的定位数据信息,并且完成快速运算。