
时间:2022-01-27 11:20:10  作者:网络 来源:网络


  Do you agree or disagree with following statement: dressing could show one’s personality. Please use specific reasons and details to explain why.


  Personally, I agree with this statement. It reminds me of the most kind and beautiful woman Audrey Hepburn in 19th century.

  Audrey Hepburn's famous black Givenchy dress from Breakfast At Tiffany's has been seen as one of the most iconic dresses of all time. This one piece black dress made her look extremely elegant and graceful. In fact she was as elegant and kind as what she looked in the dress. When she was old, she became a goodwill ambassador for starving children, whose main job was helping with the United Nations.

  Therefore, I agree with this opinion.



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