
时间:2022-01-27 11:21:58  作者:网络 来源:网络

  Do you agree or disagree?

  The most important problems can be solved during our lifetime.

  Step 1:审题


  破题法一: agree -- 证明绝对词存在的必要性或和合理性;

  破题法一: disagree -- 世事无绝对;


  1. 准确定义“the most important”

  错误陷阱 -- 讨论偏哲学类或过于学术性的论点【与生活无太大关联或论证过于抽象难以论述】,如人为什么活着;

  正确思路 -- 首先明确解决问题的主体为human,其次可定义出这些问题是所有人都有可能面临的问题;换句话说,题目要求讨论的问题应该是和人们生活息息相关或者对于社会发展至关重要的问题,比如说环境/出行/健康/教育/经济等方面产生的问题【根据以上aspects可具体出problems:pollution/traffic inconvenience/disease/illiteracy/poverty 等,以上问题均可以作为例证使用;】

  2. 时间线的完整度 -- during our lifetime

  正常情况下,该条时间线表示from the past to the future。但是在论述时,我们不可避免的会将问题分为能解决的及不能解决的,对于不能解决的这一部分问题,不仅需要论述从过去到现在的情况,也需要论述将来的情况,尽量保证扣题完整度;

  3. 定准论证核心 -- why

  题目要求讨论最重要的问题是否能够被解决,所以请考生一定注意论证核心是“为什么这些问题能/不能被解决 -- why”,而不是“有什么问题被/没被解决-- what”;


  Step 2 :确定framework

  Position: disagree


  part 1: 承认合理性 -- some problems have been dramatically solved

  Part 2: 弱化合理性 -- other problems have not been solved


  1. humans’ flaws;

  2. problems may keep worsening

  Generally【适当添加副词缓和信息推进速度--注意节奏由慢到快】,there emerge an increasing number of vital problems in modern society. However, whether human can fix these troubles during our lifetime【主语从句】 is still an controversial issue. From my perspective, hardly can such problems be solved during that period【小短句也可设置语法点 -- 部分倒装句】.

  Admittedly【不要忘记让步段信息词】, some matters have been dramatically solved. 【话题过于抽象时活用例证】 Take the illiteracy as an example. Owing to the economic growth, the government and private firms can provide sufficient resources to support the education. To be specific, they can set up some scholarships and student loans【贷款】 to children who cannot afford the tuition【限制性定语从句】. In that case, the educational degree has been drastically increased in some poverty-stricken【贫困的】 areas or underdeveloped countries. However【转折弱化其合理性】, the matters like poverty can not be settled【解决】 in our lives. Although people have struggled to eliminate the poverty for centuries【让步状语从句】, a great number of people cannot have access to the basic necessities even in some developed countries like America. That situation will continue in the subsequent【接下来的】 centuries【未解决的问题要提及“future”的情况--保证扣题度】.

  The first reason why those problems always exist is that human themselves are born with some imperfections【表语从句】. As is known, many of defects can never be overcome, so the problems, which are the result of the deficiencies[deficiency缺陷]【非限制性定语从句】, can also never be addressed. For instance, many entrepreneurs are driven by their greed so that they make profits at the expense of the environment, thus prompting【促使】 serious environmental troubles such as air pollution or soil degradation【现在分词做结果状语】. What’ more, if people want to alleviate【缓和】the problems【条件状语从句】, they should devote not only a large sum of money but also tremendous effort in the next few generations. Secondly, problems may keep worsening【考生可根据建议思路自行练习】.....



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