
时间:2022-01-27 11:25:03  作者:网络 来源:网络

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  University education should be free for students and financed by the government tax.

  Step 1:审题


  Step 2:论点梳理


  1. 确定题目中的对象词或利益相关者:2.从上述角度分析pros & cons;


  Agree -- should be financedDisagree -- should not be financed

  For students who have not entered into the colleges: provide educational opportunities[especially those in poverty-stricken areas]Students are less likely to hold an earnest attitude towards their study

  For students who have entered into the colleges: get more resources for scientific research -- be beneficial for both students and universitiesincrease the burden of the government -- higher expense on education[sb/sth]/// the tax should also be allocated to many other aspects which are as important as the education;

  Step 3:确定framework


  l introduction -- 让步 -- 反驳 -- conclusion

  l Introduction -- 主体段1 -- 主体段2 -- conclusion


  A. 承认对立面合理性;

  B. 承认对立面合理性+弱化其合理性;

  C. 承认对立面合理性+阐明其不合理性;


  Position: disagree

  让步:合理性:provide educational opportunities[especially those in poverty-stricken areas]

  弱化:set up scholarships // loans to assist the students -- scholarships[effective way to motivate the students to study hard]

  反驳:1.Students are less likely to hold an earnest attitude towards their study

  2.increase the burden of the government -- higher expense on education[sb/sth]/// the tax should also be allocated to many other aspects which are as important as the education;

  Step 4:习作




  1. 倒装+设问;

  2. adj.褒贬义暗指立场;

  3. 有意识提高语法丰富度【如独立主格/同位语从句等】;



  Admittedly,【缺少必要的中心句】 there exits【拼写错误】 the phenomenon of poor or needy students giving up admissions of university. Though some of them have high intelligence or unremitting efforts,the tuition is a stumbling block in their way towards bright future【与上下文内容脱节】. Here comes the question: is free university education the only way to resolve the matter? The answer is definitely “ No”. Various methods can make up the shortage of fee. For instance, pupils can pick up part-time jobs.【缺少必要的衔接词】 Some people may argue that part-time jobs will have a detrimental influence on study. There are also other solutions. On the one hand, through hard-working, scholarships are gained. On the other hand, grants and student loans are provided by the government. Pupils have the alternative to pay off bills after they have the ability【句式丰富度较低 多以简单句为主】.


  1. 让步段及主体段都需要有明确的中心句来表明论点,且需要适当的论证过程;

  2. 论证过程中需注意论据之间的逻辑关系,且通过明确的衔接词来体现关系;

  3. 词汇语法丰富度不要忘记;


  Admittedly, the financial support by the government can be beneficial for some students, especially those in the poverty-stricken areas. To be specific, this way can assist them in covering【V.支付】 the tuition and receiving the valuable chance of experiencing college life, thus drastically increasing the educational degree【现在分词做结果状语】. However【弱化或驳斥时给出必要的转折逻辑词】, it is generally acknowledged that all the colleges and governments have already set up a variety of scholarships and aid loans for students who cannot afford the fees【限制性定语从句】. Besides, scholarships can be regarded as an effective method to motivate students in the universities. Therefore, there is no need to prompt【促使--替换make】 the government to bear all the financial pressure.

  l 让步段段首信息词扩充:

  Admittedly/undeniably/granted,....//there is no denying that....

  l 转折逻辑词扩充:

  nonetheless/on the contrary/by contrast/conversely


  Meanwhile, if students pay the tuition at their own expense【条件状语从句】, students can hold a more earnest【认真的】 attitude towards academic study. Actually, people tend to treasure【活用词性】 what they obtain by their own efforts, and despise【轻视】 what is given free. The situation is similar when it comes to college education. In other words, those students will undoubtedly be more dedicated to the curriculum in order to acquire better results since failing the exams not only require the undergraduates to retake the courses, but also means paying extra money for the credits【学分】【原因状语从句】. 【在说理论证内容足够充实的情况下,可增添举例或对比论证提高论证方式多样性】 [举例论证] For example[personal story], ...//[对比论证] However, with the government financing the tuition【独立主格结构】, students may be nonchalant【漠不关心的】 even if they flunk【不及格】 in the final examinations【让步状语从句】.


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