
时间:2022-02-09 11:42:06  作者:网络 来源:网络




  【话题分类】社科类【考题回忆】总论点 做志愿活动的好处和坏处



  2、实际上是drive他们away from志愿活动,因为做志愿后他们才能拿到diploma,会让他们觉得cynical,就是如果没有好处的话人们是不会做志愿活动的


  【听力部分】听力反驳了三个观点,觉得三个观点都can he answered:

  1、学校有个list写了哪些活动是可以被算进去,而且必须是recognized associations搞的活动,比如阅读那个例子,学生想被计入做了gardening的话,他要做neighborhood associations办的list里面有的园艺,并且要在一个public spot里面做

  2、其实并没有drive学生away,一些去了医院服务的和做了tutor的学生说他们获得了powerful and great experience,所以其实是give them chance to有一些不同的体验,增加他们未来想做volunteer work的motivation

  3、没有violate学生的权利,after all他们本来就要回学校上学,就好像要上数学课一样,他们被要求做志愿活动也不是violation


  【参考范文】Both the reading and the lecture are talking about whether the students should do volunteer activities. The author of the reading claims that there are three setbacks of doing them. However, the lecturer challenges this perspective by providing three reasons.

  The reading first claims that the students might cheat and there is no way that school can supervise their activities. The lecturer, however, rebuts this by mentioning that schools have a form for students to fill in, showing which activities are counted and which are not. And the list in the form enlisted all the specifics of the activities. For instance, regarding the gardening activities in the reading, the lecturer proposes that the school requires students to do the gardening within the list of neighborhood associations and do them in public spot.

  Secondly, the reading passage conceives that doing volunteer activities make students cynical, because they feel the activities are utilitarian ideas. They do them for the sake of getting the diploma. The listening, by contrast, says that they actually did not drive students away,since the students who tutored in the hospital said they actually got powerful and great experience.In the final analysis, the writer in the reading asserts that doing volunteer activities violated their rights. The professor in the lecture points out that if taking a volunteer activities can be counted as violation, then so does the requirement of students taking math classes.




  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

  Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smartphone, video games, for fun and entertainment. Playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the children's development.






  There are various ways to develop children. While some people consider that children should concentrate on simpler toys or playing outside with friends instead of using several technologies, others do not believe. It is so controvertible for people to determine a specific conclusion. In my view, young people should play the usual toys and hang out with friends outside for their growth. They can gain common sense, attain plenty of friends, and focus on plays without concerns.

  To begin with, young people establish common sense by playing outside with friends and uncomplicated toys. People have to hold common sense in bountiful situations of society. This knowledge often gives people opportunities at an early age. For instance, when young people play with friends outside, they have to communicate with others as much as possible. If they do not create conversations with others, they will not be capable of satisfying with pleasure. As a result, children should not rely on some technologies but play with friends and regular toys.

  Secondly, playing toys or outside with friends produces children sophisticated development. It is so limited for the progress of children to be educated by parents or teachers. Their friends diverse the possibility of their evolutions. For example, they sometimes obtain the situation to care about their friends about anxieties while playing outside. From this experience, they acquire how to treat humans and stand by their friends. Therefore, their personality will advance more than young people who rely on many technologies.

  Finally, children devote on plays without anxieties to play simple toys and with friends outside. They have to remind many operations to exploit the technologies for entertainment. In the television games, they keep in mind how to press bottoms for complete missions. On the other hand, with simple toys and plays outside with friends, they just converge on pleasure because these activities do not include hard rules and principles. Consequently, young people should spend on their time with simple toys and friends outside for their growth.


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