
时间:2022-03-25 12:16:01  作者:网络 来源:网络

  本篇文章带来的是托福口语巧用数字作为细节来有效的论证观点。这个技巧适合的话题关键词包括但却不只是局限于money, score, time,people等。

  Do you agree or disagree the statement? Athlete do not deserve the high salaries they are paid?

  首先通过审题我们确定这是一道观点题而不是喜好选择题,然后迅速回忆评论观点题的答题框架OREO, 即





  同时对于discourse markers这些语言表达也要非常熟悉,做到脱口而出。口语化且不复杂的表示“我同意或不赞同”,“原因是”,“另外“,”“所以我认为”的语言表达如下:

  That’s exactly how I feel.

  I’d say the exact opposite.

  It’s due to that…

  On top of that,

  That’s why I deem …

  除了使用以上语言构建出基本的答题框架,回答好这题还需要合适的理由和具体的事例来对观点进行有效的解释。将题干再次审阅发现他需要你讨论的是“Do athlete deserve the high salaries or not? ”题干关键词是high salaries,讨论对象是athlete,我可能会联想到一些收入过亿的体育明星比如泰格伍兹过着纸醉金迷的奢靡生活,而芸芸大众只有羡慕不已,我第一反应是这不公平,所以我赞同。这仅仅是基于我对职业运动员收入现状的匮乏的了解而作出的判断,是不准确不令人信服的。不如我们先看下一组数字来了解一下到底有多少位运动员在职业生涯里获得特别高的年收入。

  According to the statistics, top athletes who play basketball, football, American football and Formula One earn almost 30 million dollars yearly. Among all the professional players, only 7 athletes’ total earnings exceed one billion dollars, which means that only one in 1.5 billion people has earned over 1 billion from sport career. They’re Michael Jordon, who tops this list making a total of $1.85 billion from his sports career, followed by Tiger Woods at &1.7 billion.

  People can tell that with the exception of a few athletes get high salaries, in fact the rest of them earn as much salaries as average people.



  There’re totally 55 million people who completed a Marathon race every year, while there were only 79 people who ran 200 meters in under 20 seconds. Those numbers can prove one fact, that unlike average people, successful athletes are extremely capable humans who were born with amazing athletic talent.

  Therefore, I’m convinced that athletes do deserve the high salaries they’re paid.



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