作为一个考试内容不仅考察学术知识,也涉及生活层面的考试,雅思口语里也经常会涉及到与“手机”相关的话题。其中“Text Message”无疑是最为常见的考题,那么关于我们每天都会发送的“Message”的话题应该怎么准备和回答呢?这里帮大家梳理出了以下两大板块:
1.“Text Message”的利弊分析
2."Text Meaasge" or "Calling"
关于“Text Message”的态度,喜欢发消息的人认为发送短消息是一种即时的信息传递,甚至是情绪传递。相比正式的书信或者电话,并不要求接收方立即回复或给出一个正式的回复。而且同时信息发送者的情绪都能通过“Message”进行表达,因为如今“Message”里的表情包也是当代人交流的重要方式。
I do enjoy exchanging text messages with my friends on Wechat, an instant messenger app used on all kinds of mobile devices in China. I especially like these little faces known as emoji, which really helps me to communicate my feelings and emotions.
当然“Text Message”也存在弊端,不喜欢发送短消息的人呢会觉得“Message”能传递的信息是有限的,而且信息的内容也很大程度上取决于信息发送者的文字能力;同时,对于当代的社恐人士,即时消息的会一定程度上增加社交压力。因为每当自己接收到新消息的时候,都有“社交义务”需要对其作出回应,否则就会被视为不礼貌、“anti-social”的行为,这样的要求无疑是对社恐人群的一大挑战。
I remember once I got a text message from one of my friends which was really hard to understand. Well, that was because he texted me in English. His grammar was so terrible that I could hardly make out what he was trying to say.
If I had to choose between sending and receiving messages, I’d prefer the former. The act of sending can put me in the driver’s seat in the conversation. I mean I feel like being in control of where the conversation goes. Besides, I often receive messages that are really boring and meaningless. And you know what? I always feel I’m obligated to send a reply!
除了关于“Text Message”利弊的讨论,雅思考试中也经常拿它和“Calling”作对比。两者同为信息交换的方式,但关于适用的环境和人群还是有所区别。一般来说“Text Meaage”是一种相对“非正式(informal)”的交流方式,它可让人们随时随地开启一段对话,而且同时它并不需要信息接收方当即就给出反馈,给予了人们对信息进行处理思考的时间。 |